As 2019 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year, as well as share some of our goals for 2020.
Personally, 2019 was one of the most difficult years for me. I struggled with my mental health, body image, a long-term relationship ending, being thrown into a new work environment, and just an overall feeling of not being in control of any part of my life. I fought quite a few silent battles, and I felt like I really lacked stability. For most of the year, I felt like I was walking on eggshells. What was perhaps more difficult was putting on a brave face for the people I care about, instead of being transparent about what I was feeling and going through. I chose to go through it alone (do not recommend). However, along with the hardships of this past year, I also learned some of the most significant lessons that I will carry with me throughout my life. Although I felt like I lost a lot in 2019, I gained so much more. I gained meaningful friendships, wisdom, experience and so much more faith. I started going to the gym at 5 am, forced myself to step out of my comfort zone, and became a prayer warrior. I did not give up on myself. Maybe the best thing that happened in 2019; I co-founded this incredible passion project that is positively impacting the lives of many!
Some things I learned (the hard way) in 2019:
- Life will keep giving you the same lessons until you learn from them
- Not everyone is meant to stay in your life
- Growth is painful! But 100% worth it
- Your faith has to be bigger than your fears
In 2020, I hope to grow more. I hope to love myself more and accept nothing less than what I deserve. I hope to work harder and help others live up to their highest potential. I want every single person who comes across any content from Joy Envisioned to be encouraged to be their happiest selves. I hope to become more faith-filled and laugh so hard that I cry. I hope to make memories that last a lifetime. I am really looking forward to 2020, and I wish the best for you in the coming year!
Goals for 2020:
- Encourage more people to invest in their mental wellbeing
- Love myself
- Deeper faith
- Big belly laughs!
With Love,
2019 was challenging for many reasons, but what I struggled with most this year was chasing the feeling of certainty. It’s a natural fight; not many of us are born with the ability to accept life as it is. We are not taught that. Too much time is usually spent trying to manipulate life to work in our favor. There is a tendency to always want to be in control.
For me, so much of this year was accepting the fact that I cannot control everything that happens to me no matter how hard I try. Loved ones get sick, relationships sometimes fade, and 'life just happens'. I used to find all that terrifying, and unfair. However, throughout the hardships I learned that there's an importance, a beauty even, that lies within the uncertainty. Looking back to last January, I would have never thought I would grieve over the death of a friend, be heartbroken, pursue optometry or even run this blog. All in all, I learned that the ability to embrace the confusion and embrace the moments of instability helped me cultivate a more empathetic way of being and allowed me to truly live in the present.
Looking forward to the future, the lesson I would take from 2019 is to encourage the discomfort of confusion in order to prepare yourself for all of life’s complexities-- in regards to relationships, business, and/or personal growth.
My goals for 2020 would be to:
- Embrace change (because let’s be honest, things won’t always look the way we imagine)
- Fight the imposter syndrome; I am deserving of my accomplishments
- Work harder but always find a way to make time for the things I love
- Maintain strong principles and continue to advocate for what I believe in