As 2020 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year, as well as share some of our goals for 2021.
As I look back on the year 2020, I can definitely say it was one that helped me grow. I want to start off by saying that if you did not accomplish all of your goals (or even any goals) for 2020, it’s okay. It was a wild year to say the least and if all you did was survive it, I am so proud of you. Just keep going!
My 2020 goals were realistic and attainable for me and I'm happy that I was able to accomplish them. Although no one could have possibly seen what 2020 was going to bring, I think that I did my best to work hard and stay on track.
Goals for 2020:
- Encourage more people to invest in their mental well-being
- Love myself
- Deeper faith
- Big belly laughs!
As I reflect on last year’s goals, I can’t believe how strong and resilient I became. Coming from a space in 2019 where I was struggling in many aspects of my life, I am so proud of myself that I stuck to my goals and gave myself grace on the days where I knew I couldn’t do it. The main thing was that I always came back to these goals. For the year 2021, I hope to take a similar approach and to truly enjoy the journey.
Goals for 2021:
Consistency - This past year, I gained the skill of discipline, but I would like to be more consistent with everything I do. Consistency is key!
Stick to my boundaries & core values - This year I want to say no to people and situations that I am uncomfortable or unhappy with or don’t serve my growth.
No settling - I don’t just want the bare minimum. God has exceedingly and abundantly more for us (Ephesians 3:20).
Always more faith and more laughs - I aim to be the happiest and healthiest version of myself. This year confirmed what I already knew, which is that I can’t do this life thing without God. I want to continue to have strong faith and to laugh so hard that I cry.
As we jump into 2021, I want to thank all of you guys for your kind words of love and encouragement that not only help encourage us to keep putting out content, but also have inspired me on my toughest days and reminded me that I am so loved. Let’s all approach this New Year with empathy and compassion for ourselves and each other.
Love always,
I’ve been feeling very antisocial since nearing the end of 2020. I think I really needed the time to recharge and realign myself with my vision. I’ve just wanted to stay home, watch anime, and read my books. I am so grateful to all my friends who reached out to me and forced me to stay connected this past week and especially throughout this whole pandemic!
That being said, I’ve been spending a lot of time these last few weeks of December, reflecting on who I am, and who I want to be. I think I know myself pretty well but I definitely took this time to dive deeper and really figure out how I want to live. I think I’m really starting to get it. In my article last year I wrote down my goals for 2020. This is what they were:
- Embrace change (because let’s be honest, things won’t always look the way we imagine)
- Fight the imposter syndrome; I am deserving of my accomplishments
- Work harder but always find a way to make time for the things I love
- Maintain strong principles and continue to advocate for what I believe in
Re-reading last year’s article I was genuinely surprised at how much growth I was able to witness in myself since then. The biggest lesson I learned this year was finding the beauty in self reflection. 2020 was all about embracing change. On a personal level, I learned to let go of regret. I’ve learned through time and experience that regret does not serve me. Incorporating acceptance of the past and drive to continue forward into my everyday practice I can say that I’ve never in my life felt this free. This happy to be able to ‘find’ myself (or to come back to who I always was). This empowered to figure myself out and to fall in love with myself time and time again.
This past year was not definitely not easy and initially I was a lot more cautious in setting my expectations for the upcoming year. It took me awhile to think of what I really wanted from 2021 but after some time meditating on it, here is what I hope to achieve:
Goals for 2021
I want to be more disciplined - through discipline and strong will-power, I believe other aspects of my life will also begin to align.
I want to be less critical - of my environment, of others, of myself. They say the three cancers of the mind are comparing, complaining, and criticizing. I want to let go of all three.
I want to be more passionate about my journey - I want to be enthusiastic during the learning process and not just when I ‘pass the course’. I want to cultivate joy from all the lessons life throws at me. I strive to never take my life for granted.
For a long time, my ‘vision’ felt so clouded. I constantly worried if I was on the right path because I couldn’t ‘see’ clearly. All to find out that I’m always going to be exactly where I need to be. I am so grateful to be on this life journey, with all of you.