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2022 Reflection/ 2023 Vision

Writer's picture: Sherin JoySherin Joy

It's that time again! As 2022 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect on the past year, as well as share some of our goals for 2023.

As I reflect on the past year, I can say that 2022 was a year of growing into myself and living in gratitude. I learned to balance working hard with making time for the fun things, and I learned how to enforce boundaries and speak my mind without being disrespectful (most of the time). This past year I stepped into new roles in my career and surprised myself with how hard I am willing to work to accomplish my goals. In 2022 I’ve seen the people closest to me accomplish amazing things such as getting engaged/married, buying homes, having kids, paying off loans etc. which has been a beautiful thing to witness, but I have also had people close to me struggle with health, infertility, money issues, depression/anxiety, suicidal ideation, loss of loved ones and even death. 2022 has again reminded me of the fragility of life and the beauty in the balance of it all.

Goals for 2022 were:

  • Step out of your comfort zone - Growth can only happen when I am open to change. If I want different experiences, I know that I am not going to find them where I am comfortable. Allowing myself to be in situations where I am not familiar will force me to grow and adapt.

  • Believe in yourself - As I continue growing as a professional and as a person, I want to always believe in myself and know that I am capable and deserving of my goals as long as I put in the work.

  • Be open to love - In order to receive and give love, I have to be open to it. This year I want to live with an open heart because I truly believe love is the most beautiful gift that God gave us. This goes for all forms of love; friendships, family and romantic relationships. If I don’t have love, I have nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1).

My goals for 2023:

  • Make health/mental health a priority again- While I accomplished a lot in certain aspects of my life in 2022, unfortunately some important things such as working out were put on the back burner. I hope to create a consistent morning routine again and stick to it despite anything else going on in my life. As far as my mental health, I have found myself falling back into some old negative thinking patterns and would like to remind myself that I can’t pour from an empty cup.

  • Make more memories- I really did not travel much in 2022. I want to see more of the world and to just create more memories with people and places that I cherish. I know it's cheesy but I love those end of the year highlight videos that people make because it reminds me that there is so much happiness that happens within a year.

  • Be okay with releasing control without resentment- I’m not sure about you guys but for me, life has surely not happened on my timeline. Although this has been a hard thing for me to accept, I would like to work on believing that things happen the way that they are supposed to and that what’s meant for me will not miss me.

I know I say this every year but thank you so much for all of the kind words and encouragement you have given us throughout the years. We are forever grateful for you guys. As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have anything specific you want to see or if you just want to chat! Hope you all have an amazing 2023!

Love always, Sherin

Heading into 2023, I can definitely say that I’m very excited and positive for all the new life changes, challenges, and memories that will be in store this year. 2022 was a very grounding year for me. This past year, I was able to actively recognize that amidst all my shortcomings, I was also living right in the middle of so many blessings. 2022 allowed me to face failure time and time again while also allowing me the grace to grow and appreciate who I was becoming. While not everything has gone the way that I’ve imagined it to go, I can definitely say my biggest realization from the past year is that God makes it so that everything always ends up working out, better than I could have ever imagined it.

Last year my goals were:

  • Be smart, honest, and dependable - I want to work hard to increase my knowledge especially regarding wellness so that I can be the right guide for anyone looking to improve their health.

  • Be present and then some - I want to live in the moment, but more-so, I want to create my moments. I want to actively look for exciting ways to live large and experience all that the world and nature has to offer. No more passive living.

  • Be kind and forgiving - to others, to myself

  • Become an absolute beast - By physically training my body and spiritually training my mind to overcome all the challenges that I am expecting (and not-expecting) to happen this year. I already know that 2022 won’t be easy, I’ve just got to become better.

This year my goals are:

  • Not to rush - Learning to make timely decisions but give space to allow life to unravel itself. Everything flows at a divine pace.

  • Remain centered and grounded - When times get turbulent, remain centered, grounded, and unwavered in a strong sense of self.

  • Stay consistent - in current routines and with new goals

  • Nourish my body and mind - through a healthy diet, staying cognisant about necessary vitamins and nutrients, cooking more, reading more. Practicing meditation, prayer and manifestation daily.

Coming into year 4 of running this blog I want to express my gratitude to everyone old and new that has taken time out of their day to read and scroll through our blog. We are extremely blessed to have the support of so many people. Always stay in touch.

With love,


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