Abundance is a mindset. It took me years to realize this simple truth. Wealth begins in the mind and how you take care of your mental health lays the foundation for how you navigate the world around you. For the second half of the year, I spent a lot less time on social media and more time tuning into my emotions. There were a lot of things I wasn't happy with including a boat-load of insecurities that I was clinging on to and allowing to dictate my life. It wasn’t until I began working with a spiritual mentor that I learned to address these issues and started to shift into an authentic, abundance mindset.
I first found Karan on Instagram. What led me to book a session was the content he would share. I was able to resonate with a lot of his spiritual posts and saw that he offered spiritually guided mentorship. I was familiar with therapy, and as many of you can recall from my first sessions with a therapist back in 2019 (if you've been following along!) - I knew from those sessions that therapy was the truth and that it didn’t necessitate a life catastrophe to enjoy the benefits of talking to a professional. However, mid-year I was looking for something that could resonate with my need for spirtual growth and someone who could relate to my desi-background.
From my first sessions with Karan, I found a side of spiritual mentorship which I hadn’t realized I needed. Sessions flowed easily. I began with a mundane problem that I didn’t think was much of a big deal and through easy, thoughtful conversation I was guided to realize some deeper truths. Many of my sessions involved visualization meditations and exercises. This was my first time being guided through the visualization process. Anything from childhood traumas, loss & grief or financial stresses - Karan has helped me through issues that had previously shattered my mental climate. He made me realize that abundance truly starts in the mind and after 6 months of sessions I have finally felt confident enough to share this very personal recomendation and insight to a part of my life.
One example of an issue I spent breaking down with Karan is the concept of my own self-worth. Honestly, for half of the year I was struggling with certain aspects of my career - finding my own confidence and making decisions that weren't influenced by my desire to be validated by loved ones. Through my spiritual sessions, I was made to realize that this road-block was deeply rooted in my childhood; never feeling good enough because of my perception of other people’s standards. Through visualization meditations with my inner child- I was given a safe space to show myself grace, love, and compassion. There was a lot of shadow work that needed to be done and which I had put off for years. I wasn't aware that these seemingly small every-day thoughts began to spill so deeply in many different areas of my life and impacted the way I navigated my world.
While I plan on continuing my spiritual maintenance with Karan, I have also recommended him to a handful of friends. If you’re thinking of enhancing your spiritual practice, I would recommend starting with a consultation & an open mind. You can reach Karan directly through his instagram @tastingbliss or start with his podcast “The Tasting Bliss Podcast” and see if it resonates with you.
It has been so fulfilling to be a part of your spiritual journey Jacqueline, sending you much Love and Light 💛✨
- Karan