Abundance is a mindset. You give life to what you give energy to. In order to maintain sustainable positive energy it is important to recognize what activities, thoughts, patterns, or personal relationships increase or deplete your energy. When we harness our energy towards small, uplifting activities in various aspects of our life - we accumulate outpouring, positive energy towards our life, holistically. Therefore, simultaneously we are able to let go of what it is that is weighing us down. The internet is packed with great ideas on energy uplifting activities that we can actively incorporate to our everyday lives. Here is a list of my favorite:
Slow Down Your Mornings
Slowing down my mornings involved me being real with myself. I had to realize one big fact: I hate being rushed. Mornings where I make time for myself to calmly wake up without an alarm, to roll out of bed at my own pace, to shower to my favorite music, and to make breakfast with all the nutritional essentials (+ a cup of tea) were essential in creating a space of positivity. Being a student, most days this may not be possible: I have classes to attend that may start as early as 8 am in the morning. If I have an exam in the morning, forget about it. However, in my best attempt, my solution to this problem was to wake up earlier than what I was used to. Eventually the body adapts. According to Ayurveda, the way we navigate throughout the day is based on cycles of nature. It is recommended to wake up about one and a half hours before the sun-rise so that you can actually synchronize with the rhythm of sun, this is referred to as Brahma-muhurata which means ‘the time of Brahma; the pure consciousnesses'. This time is also great to spend doing yoga, meditation, or devotion to any other spiritual or religious practices you may have as it is believed that a great shift in energy fills space. Even if you can’t wake up exactly an one and a half hours before sunrise, just waking up a little bit earlier to give yourself time to slowly ease into your day can make a heck of a difference.
Visiting A Local Garden/Greenery
Visiting a local garden or green space is one of my favorite things to do. Green spaces like Terrace Plantshop in Metuchen New Jersey, or Japanese Gardens such as Shofuso Philadelphia or Maymont Gardens in Richmond Virginia are a list of really dope, zen spots that I was able to visit this year. Another favorite hobby of mine is to research and find new gardens to visit - if you have a fan favorite definitely send the recommendation my way!
Artistic Expression As A Meditation
I like to always say that art is a form of meditation. Being able to sit and draw for hours, write in a journal, or dance in your apartment with no care in the world are all activities that allow us to live in the moment. The past, present, and future meet each other in one space, which is right where you are at that given moment when you devote all your energy into performing one singular task. Even if the moment is short and fleeting, being able to devote time daily to being present in doing something you love is priceless. My favorite form of expression is writing (duh) and I have been journaling consistently as an emotional release. I love to journal at the end of the day as I am winding down. I’ll play some hip-hop/jazz low-fi (shout-out to the saxophone) and write down whatever it is that I want to. Some days the sessions are shorter than others but for those quick moments, I know that I am fully present. On days that I have more time, I might make it a red-wine session (thank you Winc!)
Devoting Time To Learn
As a full-time student, I often feel guilty for this last one. I enjoy what I am learning in school but let’s be honest, there is a whole world out here. There is infinite knowledge to explore. Take time out of your day to learn something new, or to dive deeper to a topic that you really enjoy learning about. For me, it's Ayurveda, gut-health, and nutrition. While I love studying about the eyes at school, I also have a passion for holistic health as a whole. This is challenging, especially if you are a student or professional with a busy schedule that forces you to feel as though you need to devote all your time working at what you are directly pursuing. However, giving yourself time to dive into learning knowledge beyond your scope of practice IS self-care. Whenever I take time to read about a new recipe or watch a video about Ayurvedic medicine, I find myself feeling super-charged and excited about the world and learning new things!
Abundance is a mindset and it all starts with you! Spend time doing the things you love, and giving yourself all the care you need.