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Navigating Rejection

Writer's picture: Jacqui JoyJacqui Joy

How many times have you avoided making a certain decision, applying for certain positions or expressing your emotions to someone important to you all because you were afraid that you might face rejection? Rejection comes in all shapes and sizes. I don’t know many people who have not faced a form of rejection at one point in their lives. Rejection is painful. Rejection is hard to navigate. Rejection can lead us to start rejecting ourselves before we even give ourselves the chance.

Here are some short reminders that I use to navigate myself through the fear of rejection:

  1. Let go of your expectations — trust that however life may go, every decision is made with intention and for a greater purpose. Apply to that position you’ve always wanted! If it doesn’t work out– it could just mean that you have something better waiting in store for your life– look at denial as a proof of just that.

  2. Stand strong in who you are despite rejection — See yourself in the greatest light, always. Positively affirm your beliefs, your dreams, and your abilities. Hold your chin high and walk with confidence. Do not allow rejection to waver your trust in yourself.

  3. Keep going - strengthen your resiliency. Reassess your goals and desires after your rejection and don’t give up on yourself so easily. Try your hardest in making yourself proud with no regrets.

Journaling prompts for thought as you move forward from rejection:

  • What parts of the past am I holding on to?

  • What parts of my journey need my forgiveness? What parts need more attention?

  • What has this rejection made me realize? What am I grateful for? What am I hopeful about?

Rejection is redirection. Keeping this perspective, while harder said than done, is the anchor to navigating all of life’s uncertainties. Trust deeply in your life’s ability to turn itself around. Trust in your ability to create a beautiful life for yourself despite perceived setbacks. Allow yourself to be open to changes in ‘the plan’. Respect your journey despite how it may have looked like or how it may look like right now. Remember, always treat yourself with grace!

With love always,


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