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Reorganization Series: Take Control, Even When You Aren’t


Updated: Jun 14, 2020

When sudden, uncontrollable changes occur in life, your focus can become distorted. Along with the unexpected spread of COVID-19, people have endured other life-altering situations this year, and adapting has been difficult. Becoming accustomed to and coping with new circumstances was something that I personally battled with this year as well. Losing control of what was happening was something I wasn’t used to, and the stress that followed was nothing short of overwhelming.

Although I initially let this anxiety overtake me, I realized that letting my mind be consumed by all the things I had to do, the plans I had to put on hold, and the fear of the unknown, especially in this time was extremely unhealthy. I was only letting the anxiety build-up and making that my focus. However, I realized that the important thing to do was to shift my concentration towards what I could control, and what I could do about the situation.

Steve Maraboli says, “Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't.”

More importantly, I came to understand how essential it was to take time to regroup. These are some steps that I followed that may help you too!

1. Clear your head

Often, the situation that you are experiencing isn’t even what’s directly overwhelming you, it’s the pressure and stress that comes from you overthinking the situation. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to put some distance in between yourself and the issue, by taking a step away and clearing your head. Spending thirty minutes towards a hobby you have helps! Personally, when I need to clear my head, I distract myself by watching a TV show I enjoy, working out, playing with my dog, or cooking. I notice that when I take a break and come back to the situation, a majority of the stress I’m feeling has dissipated, and my mind is ready to refocus.

2. Prioritize

When you think about all the things you need to get done or all the things that are going wrong it’s easy to feel trapped, and as a result, unmotivated. However, this can be avoided by prioritizing. I enjoy making lists and ranking each task I need to complete in the order of importance, or in order of feasibility. Purchasing a planner is a phenomenal way to keep organized as well. Attempting to accomplish each goal, one at a time allows you to work efficiently and productively, whereas the latter only produces sloppy or incomplete work along with overwhelming stress.

3. Practice Positive Self-Talk

What seems uncertain only frightens you if you let it. What if things go terribly? What if you can’t come back from this unexpected turn? But what if they go great? What if this thing you can’t control results in the best change of your life? Instead of immediately adopting a pessimistic mindset about your situation, opt for a more positive one. Remind yourself of all the benefits and opportunities a situation may lead to, even if it’s just gaining strength or reassurance in your abilities through surviving the situation. Personally, I just remind myself that I have done all that I could do, and tried my hardest. I find that reaching out to my friends and loved ones also lift my spirits since their confidence in me improves my own self-confidence. Even if you can’t control your external circumstances, you can control and reroute your mind, and the way it thinks.

There are many other ways that people regain control and motivation in their lives during difficult and unpredictable times whether it be something as small as cleaning their workspace, speaking to a counselor, or building a new routine. Next time you feel overwhelmed or uneasy be sure to follow some of these tips. As always you can also reach out to any of us at JoyEnvisioned.

With love,


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